The final conference of the project Active in Sport Again! co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union and the Office for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia was held in Zagreb.
The Manual Active in Sport Again!, which was realized by the Association of Veteran and Recreational Athletes in cooperation with partners Bulgarian sports development association and Sports federation of Ajdovščina, was also presented at the conference, together with the project video.
The manual was presented by the president of the Association of Veteran and Recreational Athletes Klaudija Bubalo.
- The manual is the end result of our project, just like the active involvement of former athletes again in sports and sports recreation after the end of their sports careers. The handbook contains a detailed description of activities and methods aimed at showing how athletes can continue to achieve their life goals even after completing an active sports career. In addition to recommendations on the importance of appropriate education, positioning in society, maintaining physical and mental health and gaining work experience, the purpose of the manual is to educate former athletes on the management of sports systems and their personal finances, said Klaudija Bubalo.
- The Active in Sport Again! Manual will be available to everyone in the sports system.
The project was also realized in cooperation with the Teching Institute of Public Health Dr. Andrija Štampar.
There were a lot of public health actions during the project that we worked on together with the DSVR and that helped us promote a healthy life and this project. Veteran and recreational athletes are a bit neglected here in Croatia when it comes to medical examinations, and that is why we designed the examination for those athletes as well, said Dr. Branislava Resanović from the Teaching Institute.
Vjekoslav Šafranić, the newly elected president of the Sports Association of the City of Zagreb, was an active participant in the project from the very beginning:
- I thank the DSVR for such a valuable project and manual. The Sports Association of the City of Zagreb has supported this and I think it will continue to support such projects. Even if there are fewer funds than we expected, I hope that we will continue to participate in such valuable projects.
- The Zagreb Association of Sports Recreation Sport for All was also a collaborator on the project.
This whole project is two-way. On the one hand, it is about the lifelong commitment of athletes who have achieved top results and their stay in a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, their promotional influence is great on people who can see that even top athletes can enjoy recreational sports, which is very important, said the general secretary of the Zagreb Association of Sports Recreation Sports for All Josip Tus.
The project Active in Sport Again! aims to encourage social inclusion of former elite athletes by organizing non formal workshops and recreational sport activities in order to increase their capacity and support their reactivation in sport and everyday life.